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12 Selected as Finalist at LVMH Open Innovation organized by KITA Selected and signed Agreement with KSC Seattle by KOSME
11 Awaraded at EWC- Entrepreneruship World Cup-100, The Winner of Sustainability Environment As Korea Top Company, Participated 2024 BIBAN, Riyadh Saudi Arabia Speaker as Representative at WORLD BANK Knowledge Exchange Awardee at UNIDO GLOBAL CALL 2024 : 1st Prize of Manufacturing&Processing and Youth Recognition Award Speaker at International Conference on Fishing Communities 2024-ICFC, Korea Speaker at Korea's Bio Industry Innovation in Red, Green, White Bio organized by KOTRA
10 Sponsored @29th Busan International Film Festival 2024 Korean Delegation, participated in TechCrunch Disrupt 2024, San Francisco Organized by UNIST
09 Seaweed-based business card ordered by Incheon Airport Seaweed-based business card ordered by SL Corporation Seaweed-based business card ordered by DRB Holding
08 Selected as Korean delegates to BIBAN 24, Saudi Arabia's[KISED] Selected as Entrepreneurship World Cup 250, Saudi Arabia's flagship startup, SME's Forum Selected, Fly Asia 2024 TOP 50 [Final Round] [KBS Ulsan Broadcasting Station] Appeared on Lee Yong-sik's Ulsan Era "People's Invitation" session Seaweed-based Shopping bag for National Ocean Science Museum Certified "Certificate of Product-Specific Approved Exporter"
07 MOU signed with SL Corporation
06 -Selected to paraticipate in Seattle SelectUSA Spinoff as Korean representative -Selected to participate in SelectUSA Investment Summit, Korean delegation
05 Seaweed-based shopping bag order from National Ocean Science Museum 50% off event with LOTTE CARD 9 government bodies, agencies to use seaweed-based business cards

– UNGC, Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology, LOTTE CARD, Incheon National University, KOTRA

04 Seller at Amazon’s online “Korean Food Grocery Stores” Speaker at World Bank - AquaInvest Team's webinar Selected to participate in 2024 Oceania Buyer’s Meeting Selected to participate in 2024 Hannover Messe MOU signed with TAGA Selected in 2024 Export Voucher by Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy
03 Joined a member of UN Global Compact NDA signed with CJ Bio Partnership and MOU signed with LOTTE CARD
02 World Bnak's Visit to Headquarters
01 MOU signed with Surfholic
12 NDA signed with Samsung Electronics Selected in Overseas Industrial Collaboration Program (KOTRA) MOU signed with PartyBin
11 Selected to participate in 2023 Africa Tech Festival by the Korea-Africa Foundation Selected to participate in 2023 SLUSH by Seoul Business Agency NDA signed with Hansol Paper
10 Visited & Partnered, NDA signed with Research Institute, Sweden R&D collaboration with S.E., a global leader in packaging Selected to participate in "Boot Camp & Investment Networking Day" Seattle by Korea Start-up Center Launch of seaweed-based paper
09 Selected for the 2023 Meaningful Business 100, UK -Only Korean Company Selected for X-Pitch 2023 TOP 100 in Sustainability by XCEL NEXT, Singapore Societe General(SG) “Free From Plastic” Grand Finale, TOP5 Winner of 2023 Busan Tourism Contents Competition by Busan Mayor’s Award [KOSME]Selected to Riyadh Saudi Arabia Global Business Center(GBC)
08 BPI Certification sublicensed Partnership/MOU signed with R. Corporation, paper mill in Thailand Partnership/MOU signed with S. Corporation, Seaweed-based carton production in Malaysia Filmed by the program ‘Unboxing’ by KBS Busan
07 Selected at Program, ‘2023 Membership for Global Expansion Program’ by Born2Global Selected at Program, ‘Social Economy Company Export Conference’ by Work together Foundation Climatus College, Environmental Periodical, No. 28 Design_Zero Column
06 CEO participated as a speaker at 2023 Marine Bio Expo CEO participated and a speaker at Busan Slush’D, Busan, by Korea Startup Forum [Selected by KISED] Representative at VIVA TECHNOLOGY, Paris 2023 Invited to RISING SUD, Marseille, France and MOU signed Invitation to NICE and Cannes, France Invitation to Monaco
05 [Selected by Korea-Africa Foundation] Representative at GITEX, Africa, Morocco 2023 MOU signed with 'SEA With'
04 MOU signed with Inpomi Siangpack. Malaysia, Manufacturing Partnership Signed [Selected by KIC Washington DC] TECH PROGRAM Selected as the Startup Representative of FUTURE GENERATION, to speech to BIE Delegation's on-site inspection
03 M. UAE, MOU & Sole Agreement Signed
01 Denmark, Hartmann's Korea Wholesaler Agreement Signed
10 Announced as Nominee in 2023 USA by Edison Awards. NDA Signed with CJ CheilJedang Selected to represent Overseas Public Procurement Fair, Dubai and Turkey, by Ulsan Economic Promotion Agency Selected for TOP 10 @ Global Star Venture Program.[Incheon Center for Creative Economy & Innovation]

Selected as TOP 10 to participate in Fukuoka DemoDay by KOTRA FUKUOKA

[KOTRA] Selected to participate in Innogate 2022

Selected to present Arch Week, Luxembourg by ASEM.

09 Selected to be Promising Small and Medium Enterprise in Export by Ministry of SMEs and Startups Selected for Untact Global Accelerator Program by KYUNGPOOK National University Technopark Selected to be in for Green Business Center tenant company in Indonesia by ASEM.
08 [Startup Promotion Agency] 2022 Selected KISED Finland [KOTRA Ulsan Support Group] Selected to participate in 2022 Consumer Goods Trade Delegation, Dubai [KIC Europe/Berlin] Selected to represent @ K-Innovation Store

[KIC Europe] To be a member of K-Innovation Club

Participated in 2022 Boryeong Marine Mud Expo, Korea

07 [Incheon Creative Center Economy Innovation] Selected as 2022 Global Star Venture [KIDP] Selected to participate in 2022 Maison Objet, Paris at Korean Design Pavilion [KIDP] Selected to participate in K-Brand Design Product in Jakarta, Indonesia

Participated in the 4th Korea Social Economy Fair

06 Selected, IP-R&D Strategic Support Project Selected, as Startup Leap Package Startup Support Project (EGG 2nd) (Ministry of SMEs and Startups) [ASEIC] Selected to participate in 2022 ICT Spring, Luxembourg as Korean delegation [Small and Medium Business Distribution Center] Selected as an excellent medium-term product media promotion support project 3 million euro export contract with France

[Ulsan Economic Promotion Agency] Selected to participate in Manufacturing Fair, Bangkok, Thailand

05 Certified with DIN CERTCO by DIN-marks by the Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH (DAkkS) Selected as a Finalist of BIGS Program by Busan Economic Promotion Agency Selected as a Finalist to participate in Manufacuring Expo 2022, BITECT, Bangkok supported by Ulsan Economic Promotion Agency Selected as a Finalist to participate in the program “Startup Japan ScaleUp” supported by KOTRA OSAKA Selected as a Finalist of Design Awareness Enhancement & Overseas Business by Korea Institute of Design Promotion

Speaker at the Bid Committee for World Expo 2030 Busan as a Global Innovator at 2020 Dubai Expo

Collaboration & Sole Agent Partnership with Rxxxi, Thailand

04 Selected by SEIC Program 2022 to expand in Luxembourg

Selected as a Korean representative, KIC- Washington DC Gov-Tech Program

Selected as a finalist(Top6) @ SelectTech Korea 2022 by U.S. Embassy Seoul

Selected to participate in 2022 Japan ScaleUp support program by KOTRA Fukuoka

03 Selected for Japanese Scale-up Support Program for market expansion Selected for Invest Korea Marketplace (IKMP) Selected for Export Support program MOU signed with a World's leading manufacturer of packaging (H***)

Invited to participate in 2020 EXPO DUBAI in the theme week of "Water week"

Selected to participate in 2022 Korea Brand Expo in DUBAI x Lotte Homeshopping

Selected for 2022 Global Market Expansion Program by Born2Global (Korean Governement Agency under Ministry of Science and ICT)

02 Selected for recommended venture innovative product by Public Procurement Service of South Korea Selected for KITA(Korean International Trade Association) export support program Selected for KIDP’s(Korea Institute of Design Promotion) K-Design Business Power-up program

"HappyBean" crowd funding for 7 Types of Seaweed a day(Seaweed Salad (from Feb.17th to Mar.28th)

01 Sales Agreement on Up-cycling Welcome Kit to Lotte Homeshopping Selected as a 13 finalist and granted @ 82 Startup Global Accelerator by Lotte Ventures
12 Achieved Certification as Graphic Design Company by KIDP Awarded 1st, Design Innovation Lab by KIDP(Korea Institute of Design Promotion)
11 Selected for Global Accelerator Program Awarded 11th of Grand Leader's Award by Climate Change Center Selected for C-Lab outside 4th members by Samsung
09 Selected for KIDP’s(Korea Institute of Design Promotion) as Rising Innovative Company Selected for 2021 Outstanding Venture Company

"HappyBean" crowdfunding for JANOODAM(biodegradable products)

07 Proceeding to incorporate international businesses (Bahrain, Sweden, France, and Vietnam)

Selected for 2021 Global Market Expansion Program by Born2Global (Korean Governement Agency under Ministry of Science and ICT)

Awarded Osaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry @ Global Innovation Forum Osaka 2021

Selected for startup incubation program held by Luxinnovation, the Luxembourg national innovation agency

Selected for global market expansion support program by Ulsan Port Authority

Selected for business market expansion program to Sweden by KISED(Korean Institute of Startup & Entrepreneurship Development)

Selected as Korea Representative @ 2021 Online San Francisco Startup Exhibition by TechCrunch Disrupt 2021

06 Korea President’s Achievement Award for Development of Ocean fisheries – 26th of "Day of Sea"

Achieved Eco Label Certification for packaging (EL606)

Selected to participate in VIVA Tech, Technology as Korean Representative

05 Selected for Tech Startup Scale-up Program-Government grant program by Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries

Selected for Local Industry and R&D Development Grant Program by Ministry of SMEs and Startups

03 Awarded 2021 Worldstar Global Packaging Awards organized by WPO (World Packaging Organization)

Achieved Eco Label Certification for packaging (EL606)

01 Won the Brand Award Grand Prize for DALHAROO (Ranked 1st for Brand Valuation)


12 Awarded Osaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Representative of Korea Awarded Prime Minister’s Award @ 2020 Korea Invention Patent Exhibition (KINPEX 2020) Awarded Ministry of Environment @ 2020 Eco Design

MOU signed with SK Innovation for Partnership


Moved into Ulsan Free Trade Zone, relocated headquarters

Exported seaweed-based egg cartons to Cambodia

Selected as ‘Korea’s Reprenentative in 1000 companies’ by Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries


Corporation Research Institute Established

07 Awarded 1st, @ P&G StartUp Innovation Challenge and granted "Seed Fund Awarded Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy at 2020 Korea Packaging Competition

Selected to funded from TIPS(Tech Incubator Program for Startup)


MOU signed with Jeollanam-do National Institute of Fisheries Science


Funded from TIPS Accelerator, Korea University Holdings

Incheon Center for Creative Economy & Innovation

Funded from Friend Partners

Selected as a finalist at Expo Live Global Innovator @ 2020 EXPO DUBAI


Launched DALHAROO brand (Yanggeng, Jelly)

Participated in ChangeNow Summit, Paris as representative of Korea


Awarded as an Excellent Company in Nam District, Ulsan


Funded from Jeju Center for Creative Economy and Innovation

TOP 30 @ SLINGSHOT 2020, Singapore - Startup Competition Awarded Ministry of Defense @ ‘Challenge! K-Startup 2019: the League of kings’ Awarded Ministry of Agriculture @Food and Rural Affairs Starup Contenst 2019 Awarded 1st, Korea-France Tech4good Summit by FKCCI Awarded Excellence Award @ SVCA Awarded Grand Prize @ Social Impact Crowdfunding Show Awarded Ministry of SMEs and Startups for ‘Innovative Sole Proprietorship, Ulsan’ Selected to participate in SLUSH, Finland - Startup and Tech Event
10 Awarded Grand Prize @ Green Jeju, Social Living Lab Awarded Grand Prize @ 2019 GRID Final

Participated in "Manama Entrepreneur Week" 2019, Bahrain


Selected in the finalist for Social Venture Competition Asia(SVCA)


Funded from MYSC

Awarded 1st in Life Science Section@ Hannoi Innovation Summit 2019, Vietnam

Wadiz (Crowdfunding Platform) and funded from SK Innovation

Selected in TOP 5 in final at 2019 Creative Business Cup, Denmark


Selected for the final group of Brand&Retail section at Japan PLUG&PLAY

Agreement with SK Innovation SV2 Impact Partnership

Participated in ‘2019 UlsanTP&SIHUB Startup Global Fair’, Ho Chi Minh


Participated in VIVA Tech, Technology Trade Show to innovation and startups

Participated in SK SOVAC 2019


Awarded 1st, at CBC Korea, for startups

03 Awarded Ulsan Ministry of SMEs and Starups

Participated in INAPA, Indonesia (International Trade Exhibition)

Funded by FutruePlay


MOU signed with Vietnamese Company

Participated in IEFT Exhibition in India



12 Won Korea Productivity Center Coffee Boil Upcycling Support Project Contest Award

Selected for the top company at Nongshim TechUP

Won prize of Minister of Science and ICT at 4thGIF commercialization

Signed MOU with SKC(Cooperation for the development and commercialization of eco-friendly materials using seaweed)

05 Won a prize for new material technology at SKC Startup Plust


Marine Innovation is a compound word of Marine and Innovation.
Seaweed is the answer to the planet’s most pressing environmental issues and brings
the innovation to conserve the environment and participate
in its conservation for a sustainable future.